Saturday, November 12, 2022

Sweet Tea Recipes

Some people will argue over anything and some people will argue over principles. I'm not sure where to assign arguments over sweet tea, but they do happen

There are some who say you make sweet tea by first putting a gallon of water on the stove and adding about one-and-one-half cups of sugar when it comes to a boil and then stirring the sugar in. These people then turn off the heat and add some tea bags, maybe four or so, and let it set for about ten minutes. They take out the tea bags, and then some of them put the tea in a pitcher and some don't. Some then add the water, stir it around again, and either refrigerate it or add ice and drink it.    

There are other people who make a tea syrup and fill up Gatorade containers with it and freeze it and then add water when they want some. You make tea syrup with two tea bags and one cup of sugar for every cup of water. You steep the tea like normal, throw the tea bags away, add the sugar, let it cool off, and bottle it. This isn't supposed to last more then two weeks, I think, but I can't imagine anyone believing that. I've never done this, though. It sounds strong and sweet enough to kill someone, but maybe that's the point of sweet tea anyway.

The simple way is just to brew your tea for a couple of hours, with or without the tea bags staying in the whole time, add sugar as you like it once the tea cooled down, and add a pinch of baking soda to get rid of that sharp edge.

Now, some people are partial to Luzianne tea and some others to Tetley and other brands. This is an argument that I really don't want to step into. I think that the point is that you don't need an expensive or hard-to-get tea to do this and come up with something great.

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