Sunday, November 27, 2022

More From Steve Cline---The Beauty Around Us And Within Us

I did a post on Steve Cline the other day that has received lots of attention. You can find him on this blog and on Facebook. I'm impressed by him. Since that first bog post went up, Steve also put up a lengthy testimony on his Facebook page that reads like the stories of so many people right now. I know that some folks read these testimonies because they want drama or a happy ending or they want to be more secure in whatever belief system they have. I read them because I think that I owe it to someone who is doing recovery and going forward to take them seriously and because they're giving me a picture of where they are in the minute. Come back next week or next year and they will be somewhere else on their journey. Those stories are where God and power are.

Steve Cline recently posted the following photograph and caption with it:

Took this pic bout a month ago. looks like an angel of light to me.

I see that angel also. Maybe you see something else, and that's fine. It's not just that Steve saw this and took the picture, which is beautiful by itself, but that he took a minute to analyze it and share it. There is a connection here between what is beyond us, what is around us, what is within us, and what we give to others. It takes some courage to do that. I want to celebrate the picture and the angel, but I want to celebrate courage and every time we share something of the beauty in this world.

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