Sunday, November 13, 2022

For mothers who are fleeing abusive situations or their supporters

This is from Patrick Weaver Ministries. It's important. Please give it a read. If it does not apply to you now, it likely applies to someone you know. Perhaps you can help them. Please connect with them on Facebook.

“All too often the question “Why do people stay in abusive relationships?” is posed to survivors, implying that they are to blame for the abuse.

Instead, questions like “How did the person causing harm prevent their partner from leaving?” or “Why do perpetrators of abuse hurt the person they claim to love?” are more appropriate.” Reframing the question leads us to more informed and compassionate support for victims of intimate partner abuse.

The Exodus Project, our strategic initiative serving victims of abuse who have escaped or who are planning to escape an abusive relationship, stands in the gap with emergency financial resources to assist abuse victims and their children break free from abusive relationships. The Exodus Project Grants provide life saving financial support for permanent housing, counseling, food, legal expenses, relocation expenses, clothing and more.

This month, we have partnered with organizations across the US to rescue mothers and their children who are homeless or facing the threat of homeless this winter as the result of domestic abuse. We have committed to providing 47 mothers and their children with emergency financial grants. Each case involves horrific violence, and all are heart breaking examples of a silent epidemic —— 50% of homelessness women and children in the US have experienced domestic abuse.

Of the 47 mothers we’ve committed to providing emergency financial support —— up to $7,500 for each mother, 5 mothers have been hospitalized at least three times, 17 mothers have children that have been the target of vicious attacks that have been unaddressed by authorities, 15 mothers have been homeless for at least four months, 7 mothers have been in hiding for over two months and 3 mothers have been diagnosed with life threatening illnesses while awaiting support for housing.

How can you help? We’re asking our Facebook community of compassionate hearts to partner with us with a “But for the grace of God there go I” helping hand. Your financial support in any amount will make a difference in the lives of these mothers and their children who have been pushed to the edge of homelessness by unspeakable trauma at the hands of a depraved abuser. Together, we can turn these tragedies into testimonies of goodness of God! To support these mothers, see the link in our (Facebook) bio or in the (Facebook) comments below.

May God richly bless you…”A generous person will be prosperous, And one who gives others plenty of water will himself be given plenty” (Proverbs 11:25)

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