Friday, January 6, 2023

Some gentle and affirming checks-ins and reminders for the new year

We are only six days into the new year, but some folks who I know are already doing check-ins and reminders about how to get through what feel like increasingly difficult times. I think that many of these reminders and check-ins are positive. Here are three that I especially like.

Kristen Kennedy put this out:

Alan Felts put the following out:

Lord, give me strength in this year to come. Last year was a fantastic blessing because I finally began to learn how to let go and let God. With new roles and responsibilities, I plan on continuing that philosophy this year. If I'm being honest, the first few days of January made me feel like Elijah. I wanted to find a tree, take a nap, and let an angel bring me food. God disagreed because, as most know, we don't even have Uber Eats down here.

Matthew 17:20 has been one of my primary life verses for many years. In my imperfections, I have seen God turn ugly into beautiful many times. Most of those times were when I was down to that mustard seed faith and energy. Those days are fewer and farther between now, tho, thankfully. I have dear family, friends, and colleagues that surround me with goodness and concern. That has been the true blessing of 2022. Being home has been what I needed.

Thank you all for everything this past year. Especially thank you all for your positive comments and love for our work at the McDowell County Commission on Aging, Inc. I look forward to many more adventures and laughs in the coming months!

"He said to them, “Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.”.
- Matthew 17:20 ESV

(I'm sorry that I could not reproduce Mr. Felts' Facebook post as he sent it around. If you visit his Facebook page you will some outstanding photography.)

Shirley Noe Swiesz, the woman who does the Journey of a Mountain Woman Facebook page, sent out the following. She is the author of several books and I greatly enjoy her posts. She tells us that her books "Coal Dust and Mountain Stranger are spicy but A Great Heart is not."

Good morning! Getting close to afternoon! I’m trying really hard to take each day, one at a time, and not try to do it a whole year at a time! And as the days go by I hope you are all in a safe space for that is what our home should be, a wonderful safe place, no matter how humble. I think we often get tied up in the idea that larger will make us happier but we carry happiness inside us in a tiny spot called our heart or soul. The world outside has far too much influence on that but we can keep trying. May God keep you safe in whatever storms the year may bring and I hope you dance a jig of happiness whenever you get a chance!

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