Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Amy Grant and Vince Gill push back against bigotry and get attacked. Let's support them.

It's hard to live in my world and not hear about how the contemporary Christian music icon Amy Grant and her husband country singer Vince Gill have unintentionally stepped into a controversy by hosting their niece's same-sex wedding on their Tennessee farm. This wedding could go on as a more-or-less simple family event or it could be taken as "a beautiful act of pro-LGBTQ affirmation," as the good folks at Faithful America see it, but the word is that the evangelist Franklin Graham is denouncing Grant on social media, threatening her niece with an eternity in hell and accusing Grant of crossing some theological lines.

I have good friends on both sides of this, and since I'm opposed to bigotry and anti-LGBTQIA+ prejudices I'm going to side with Grant and Gill and the soon-to-be-married couple. Faithful America says that Grant has shown support for the LGBTQIA+ community in the past, and they see this as her most straightforward step in that direction to date. The conservative Christian leadership has good reason to worry when people like Grant and Gill step up and out on issues that these leaders don't own. Country singers probably carry more weight than these businessmen-preachers do at this point.

Grant has stated her views pretty clearly. She told the Washington Post, "Honestly, from a faith perspective, I do always say, 'Jesus, you just narrowed it down to two things: love God and love each other.' I mean, hey -- that's pretty simple."

It's a strange thing being on the same team with Grant and Gill, though. I have never been a fan of either of them, but their music is not the point here. When people in their positions step out on the right issues we have to stand with them. I have not seen a story on this in Country Queer yet, but I'm sure that they will post one. And I may be buying a ticket to an upcoming Amy Grant concert if that will help things out.

Please get over to Faithful America and join their efforts to support Grant and Gill and the lucky couple.

Here is my favorite Amy Grant video:

Amy Grant - Better Than A Hallelujah (Official Music Video)


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