Monday, February 21, 2022

Good night! But if you're unable to sleep read his prayer and the Islamic etiquettes of sleeping

"O Allah the stars have gone far away and the eyes are rested. You are Alive and Infinite, You do not slumber nor does sleep overtake You. Oh Alive and the Everlasting One, grant me rest tonight and let my eyes sleep (close)."

And see this article:

It is possible for a person to worship Allah through the whole day and night. This does not mean that we spend 24 hours of the day in prayer, rather that we follow the Islamic etiquette for different tasks in whatever we do and this is our worship of Allah. Sleeping is no different, and given the amount of time we spend sleeping, a person should be keen to follow the etiquette of sleeping so as to spend these many hours worshipping their Lord.

Read the entire article on the Islamic etiquettes of sleeping here.

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