Monday, February 21, 2022

Corn Pudding

This is an old and favorite recipe. When it's made right and you eat it you think that it must be hard to make, but it isn't. My maternal grandmother made this so that the top crust was hard and kind of burned, and she made quite a bit at one time.

Beat two eggs just a little bit. Add one can of cream style corn and mix it up. Stir in two tablespoons of flour, maybe one tablespoon of sugar (or a little less), two tablespoons of melted butter, one cup of milk and about one-quarter of a teaspoon of pepper. Some folks add one teaspoon of salt; I'm sure that it doesn't hurt, but I don't do it.

Pour everything into a one quart baking dish, set the dish in a pan of hot water, place that in a preheated (350 degrees) oven and bake for about one hour.

This photo comes from Their recipe sounds kind of complicated to me, but this looks like what my grandmother whipped up in her kitchen.

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