Thursday, July 7, 2022

How should we relate to the rest of creation? Two small steps.

These are volunteers working in an animal shelter on the night of July 4. They're trying to comfort and calm the animals kept there as fireworks go off. It's bad enough that the animals are confined in cages, but explosions must make things much worse for them.

This is a letter I wrote to local churches that I found out were selling fireworks over the holiday period:

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Glory to the Lord Jess Christ! Glory forever!

I hope that this finds you and yours doing well and experiencing every one of God’s tender mercies.

A list that I located from our State Fire Marshall indicates that your church was involved in the sale of fireworks over the July 4 holiday. I hope that the list is mistaken. Please prayerfully consider the following.

There is nothing Scriptural in selling or using fireworks and the damage they do to God’s creation---to people with PTSD, to our animals, and to wild animals---is great and surely offends the God who made all and gave all for us. Pets were lost and the birds and other wild animals in my area are only coming back now. I had the experience of going outside just as a neighbor one street over set off a firework that nearly sent me reeling. If the idea in fireworks is to replicate the sounds of war, it worked. For two days it was difficult to sleep, and sleeplessness causes additional problems.

I am sure that your sales were legal and that you were not selling or encouraging the use of especially damaging fireworks, but it pains me to think that my sisters and brothers in Christ joined in destructive frivolities that have more in common with ancient pagan rituals and destruction than they do to service to God and our community. I cannot recommend that anyone support a church that engages in these behaviors. I do earnestly pray that you will donate the profits made to a local veteran’s organization working with people wo suffer from PTSD and to a local animal shelter and that you not repeat this next year.

May God bless and protect you and show you the way.

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