Thursday, May 26, 2022

"I am more determined than ever. I will continue to do all I can to help build a safe, sensible, and secure society for all of us to live in together..."

"I am more determined than ever. I will continue to do all I can to help build a safe, sensible, and secure society for all of us to live in together. I will not be discouraged by the news around me, but motivated by it. I have seen how bad it can get. I have seen where things break down. I know the lay of the land. Now I can see how to do a better job of focusing my resources, skills and energy to have the greatest positive impact I can. I refuse to accept the status quo. And I am more determined than ever."
The Rt. Rev. Steven Charleston, Native American/Indigenous Ministries of the Episcopal Church

"Many indigenous communities understand that we are living in one of many “worlds” that have existed here on Earth. There have been worlds before this one and there will be worlds after it. Each world, each span of human cultural evolution, has reshaped what we consider reality. Once we dwelt in caves, now in towers of glass. The great wheel turns. Many of us can feel that process of transformation happening right now. We are aware that we are on a threshold. Our work is to seed into the future all that we know that is loving, healing, and wise. We are already at work as ancestors, even before we become ancestors."

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